MONEY MAGNET FUND II is now +32.7% in 5 months of trading
Contact us for more details
Money Magnet Investments LLC is a discretionary funds management company primarily focused on US markets. Having established itself as a premium solution provider with clients (limited to membership by invitation only), we are now opening up to the general public, continuing our exponential growth. We are superlative in the area of investments and trading in financial instruments like indices, shares, commodities, along with exchange-traded derivatives
We are sector agnostic & size-agnostic. If the company has a performance track record and is continuing to perform (subject to our proprietary filters and technical analysis), we are willing to take a position in the company. This results in the creation of a low-risk, highly liquid portfolio with high absorptive capacity and low exit costs.
We only charge a fee for the services we provide, with no hidden costs or expenses.
We follow the high watermark principle for performance purposes.
Years of experience
450% +
CuMUlative return
May 2020 - November 2024
Average Sharpe Ratio From Inception May 2020
Money Magnet has launched an AMC Fund structure, a Swiss-based Hedge fund, and is now open to new investors
For larger retail clients we can tailor an investment plan to better suit their preffered risk profiles
Money Magnet Investments LLC is authorized by AIS PCC Limited, the issuer of the product, to act as a sub-distributor of the product within the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) and the wider Dubai region. This authorization is granted under the aegis of the main distributor, AIS Financial Group (DIFC) Limited.
Money Magnet has amassed a distinguished 15-year history in the industry.
Yes, our returns are audited by MNSA for the year 2020 – 2022, and BDO for the year 2023.
Yes, we have retail offerings; however, the hedge fund is limited to sophisticated investors only.
Meydan, Nad Al Sheba, Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Phone : +971 589 590 537
Legal Disclaimer
“Money Magnet Investments LLC, in its capacity as an introducer to AIS PCC Limited, will refer clients to AIS PCC Limited for the specific product issued by AIS PCC Limited, with AIS Financial Group (DIFC) Limited acting as the distributor.”
This document has been prepared by Money Magnet Investment Consultant LLC (hereinafter known as ‘MM”) at your request and is for private use only. It documents the investment strategies and opportunities identified by MM and it does not constitute investment advice nor is it intended to be an offer to buy or sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any investment product(s)/asset class(es) mentioned in this document, nor an incentive to invest. The investment product(s)/asset class(es) described in this document may not be eligible for sale or subscription in all jurisdictions or to certain categories of investors. This document is intended for publication and distribution to the recipient only and may not be passed on or disclose to any other persons. This document is not intended for distribution to a person or within a jurisdiction where such distribution would be restricted or illegal. It is the responsibility of any person in possession of this document to investigate and observe all applicable laws and regulation of the relevant jurisdiction. This document may not be conveyed to or used by a third party without our express consent. MM is not responsible for any error which may be occasioned at the time of printing of this document. The investment product(s)/asset class(es) described in this document is/are destined to investor(s) who possess sufficient knowledge, based on their own experience, to evaluate the advantages and the risks inherent to such investment product(s)/asset class(es). Prior to making an investment decision, you should conduct such investigation and analysis regarding the investment product(s)/ asset class(es) described herein as you deem appropriate and to the extent you deem necessary, obtain independent advice from competent legal, financial, tax, accounting and other professionals, to enable you to understand and recognize fully the legal, financial, tax and other risks arising in respect of such investment product(s)/asset class(es) and the purchase, holding and/or sale thereof. MM hereby expressly disclaims any obligation, or liability whatsoever, and it shall not be responsible under any circumstances or in any way, irrespective, contractual or non-contractual for any fiduciary responsibility or liability for any consequences, financial or otherwise, or any damages and loss including but not limited to compensations, charges, expenses and /or implications, direct and/or indirect, incidental, collateral, special or exceptional related to or arising from any reliance placed on the information in this document, failures, errors, interruption, defect, delay and / or the fluctuations of prices, if any, and in any or all transactions, securities, assets, sales assumptions, and proceeds from sales or transactions and actual collections are subject to change of sales prices timing of collections whatsoever, unless a written conclusive official evidence may prove a gross negligence, fraud or willful misconduct on the part of MM. While all reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of this document, no warranty is given on the accuracy of the information contained herein, nor is any responsibility or liability accepted for any errors of fact or any opinions expressed herein. Past performance is not a guide to future performance and investment markets and conditions can change significantly over a short period of time. Investment in securities is risky and there is no assurance of returns or preservation of capital. Neither the firm, nor its directors, employees, agents or representatives shall be liable for any damages whether direct or indirect, incidental, special or consequential including lost capital, lost revenue or lost profits that may arise from or in connection with the use of this information. This views expressed in this document reflect the views of MM as on the date of publication. This information is for the use of intended professional and institutional investors